Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ruyn's Political Quip of the Day

Or not.

So, yeah... I just heard the phrase "environmentalist agenda" 4 times today. I'm not sure, but I don't think I've heard it before (at least not in that context). Maybe I've been living under a rock. I don't know. But here's my thing: environmentalism, conservationism, etc. should not be wrapped up in bipartisan shit. It's something everyone should support, regardless of politics. It's the realm of SCIENCE, people, not popular celebrity gossip or religious beliefs. If you CAN'T understand science, then don't TRY to understand it. I'm just saying you should know your limits. If the back of the cereal box is the most advanced literature you've read since the 12th grade (or in some cases, ever), then perhaps science isn't your thing. Scientific data doesn't need to be interpreted by the same people who watch Honey Boo Boo (much less the people actually on the show), but then again, neither does politics.

Oh, and this (not that I always agree with Jon Stewart or anything, just thought it was relevant):

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